
Index of articles tagged: Malaria

07/09/2023Disease sheet

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by the protozoan parasite of the Plasmodiumgenus.  In 2020 alone, the disease caused an estimated 241 million cases and 627,000 deaths worldwide.  Africa is the continent with the highest risk of malari...

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Medical anti-malaria counselling and drugs prescription
17/01/2023Vaccine sheet

Medical anti-malaria counselling and drugs prescription Price at Ambimed Point 50 € * book ...

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The first vaccination campaign against malaria

Malawi is the first country to launch a malaria vaccination campaign, with a pilot project that will also cover other countries such as Kenya and Ghana.  The vaccine, called RTS,S, will be available to children from the age of two.  The...

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Fausto Coppi's death from malaria, preventable and treatable

Yesterday, 2 January, marked the anniversary of the death of the great cyclist Fausto Coppi.  We join the commemoration not only to remember the Italian champion, but above all to remember the preventable and treatable cause of his death...

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