
Index News

DVR and Security: what risks to analyze?

Among the many aspects covered by Legislative Decree 81/2008, also known as the Consolidated Occupational Safety Act (TUSL), is that concerning the obligation for companies with at least one employee to prepare the Risk Assessment Document (D...

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UKRAINE: the interconnectedness of cyber and geopolitical risks

A cyber attack on the Ukraine telecommunications provider, Kyivstar, disrupted services for around 24. 3 million customers across the country, according to local media reports late on Tuesday, 12 December.  There were knock-on impacts f...

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KOREAN PENINSULA: Tensions rising after satellite launch

Cross-border tensions are ratcheting up after North Korea claimed it had successfully launched a military spy satellite into orbit.  On Monday, 21 November, the North Korean state news agency KCNA announced the launch, adding that this w...

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BANGLADESH: A tense security climate going into 2024

Over the past week, several people were killed in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, in clashes between police and garment workers over pay conditions.  In response to protests, the government enforced a 56% wage increase for industr...

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The failure of Ukraine’s counteroffensive: consequences

Military developments: the likely failure of the counteroffensive In the early days of June 2023, following much anticipation, Ukraine started its counteroffensive against Russian forces in the south of the country.  Its main thrusts ...

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Israel: situation update

The confrontation between Israel and Hamas continues, while the situation is becoming increasingly tense along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon where exchanges of fire have become more frequent during the weekend.  The UN forces i...

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The government of Israel has declared a state of war in the country

The morning of Saturday 7 October 2023, Palestinian organisations Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) from the Gaza Strip, both designated internationally as terrorist groups, attacked Israeli territory with thousands of missile...

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Crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh: pro-Armenian authorities surrender

On Wednesday, September 20, pro-Armenian authorities in the breakaway province of Nagorno-Karabakh agreed to lay down their arms, relinquish power and allow Azerbaijan to take control of the territory.  This "capitulation" came after hea...

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Chad: serious military altercation increases political instability

Various social media reports have described a protest taking place near a French military base in the northern city of Faya-Largeau (Bourkou-Ennedi-Tibesti Region), Chad.  Reports indicate that an altercation at a military hospital led t...

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Ecuador: presidential election amid rising political violence

Central and South America will hold multiple elections over the coming weeks and months, with uncertain results and expected allegations of fraud.  Ecuador will head to a runoff election on 15 October, while Argentina's presidential elec...

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Cameroon: ongoing civil war threatens business activities

Cameroon's ongoing civil war, which started in 2017 over socio-cultural disputes, has been thus far confined to the country’s western regions, however, it has the potential to escalate.  An escalation would alter the operating dynamics and ...

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Business Travel Medicine: health and safety on the go

The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically presented to everyone's eyes the fundamental importance of health prevention and control activities for travellers, especially for those who travel for work.  With a progressive return to a new form of...

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Senegal: Authorities use force to suppress intense protests

Over the past two weeks, Senegal has witnessed a series of intense protests that lead to significant loss of life, injuries and arrests.  At least 16 people have been killed, with 350 individuals injured and more than 500 arrested.  Man...

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Al-Qaeda increases global terrorist threat in Afghanistan

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) released its annual report on 1 June, warning Al-Qaeda (AQ), Tehrik-i-Pakistan (TTP), and Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) continue to thrive in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.  The re...

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Clashes between demonstrators and NATO forces in Kosovo: stability at risk

Since Friday, the tension in northern Kosovo between local Serbs and Kosovar authorities has ignited over the decision of the latter to allow ethnic Albanian mayors to take office in four municipalities in northern Kosovo: Zvecan, Le...

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International vaccinations

International vaccinations are all those vaccinations that are compulsory and recommended, in order to travel to the tropics (tropical vaccinations), or before a trip to an area with a risk of endemic diseases.

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Hope from research for a universal flu vaccine

 An experimental vaccine designed to protect against several strains of the flu virus produced promising results in an efficacy study.  NIAID investigator Matthew J.  Memoli, M. D. , conducted the study, which involved administering o...

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Diphtheria: could it become a major global threat?

Diphtheria is a relatively easy infection to prevent, largely thanks to the availability of effective vaccines.  Currently, however, the diphtheria bacterium is evolving to become resistant to a number of classes of antibiotics and in future c...

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Covid-19, colds and flu: discover the differences

The difference between Covid-19, influenza and colds. There are many similarities and few differences, so let's find out what these differences are so we can recognise the symptoms of Covid-19.

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HPV prevention and treatment

Primary Prevention (vaccination)   Primary prevention against HPV is mainly through vaccination.  This is discussed in detail in the section on the HPV vaccine.    Primary prevention (prophylaxis) of sexually...

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History of the Smallpox vaccine

Smallpox is a contagious disease of viral origin that is fatal in 30% of cases.  The World Health Organisation declared the disease officially eradicated in 1980.  Because it is a viral disease, treatment with antibiotics is not effecti...

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Masks: which to choose and why

According to Prime Ministerial Decree of 26 April, masks are still compulsory in closed places accessible to the public, such as public transport and shops, or in cases where it is not possible to

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The importance of a personal travel medical kit

The essential personal medical kit for travellers. How to defend yourself against minor health incidents. How to combat traveller's diarrhoea. How to protect your health while travelling.

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Review of TBE (Tick-borne Encephalitis) cases from 2012 to 2016

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is an infectious disease of the central nervous system caused by a flavivirus and usually transmitted by the bite of a tick of the Ixodes spp.  genus.  These ticks can be found from Western Europe to Japa...

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The first vaccination campaign against malaria

Malawi is the first country to launch a malaria vaccination campaign, with a pilot project that will also cover other countries such as Kenya and Ghana.  The vaccine, called RTS,S, will be available to children from the age of two.  The...

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Flu, know it to prevent it

Flu is a highly contagious viral disease that infects the airways such as the nose, throat and lungs and is transmitted through droplets of mucus and saliva, or by contact with contaminated hands.  The primary objective of flu prevention...

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Cholera cases fall globally thanks to vaccine

The World Health Organisation has announced that the number of cholera cases decreased globally by 60% in 2018.  This is extremely encouraging in order to continue promoting and preventing infection, especially in the main endemic countries...

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Fausto Coppi's death from malaria, preventable and treatable

Yesterday, 2 January, marked the anniversary of the death of the great cyclist Fausto Coppi.  We join the commemoration not only to remember the Italian champion, but above all to remember the preventable and treatable cause of his death...

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Focus on meningitis: who is most at risk?

Dr Massimo Galli, Past President of SIMIT (Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases) and Professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Milan, reminds Ansa that it is children and adolescents, together with some people co...

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From 2012 to the end of January 2019, 1925 cases of MERS-CoV infection were recorded in Saudi Arabia, including 735 deaths.

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But how well do vaccination campaigns work in the world?

Vaccines are one of the most powerful tools for substantially reducing mortality and are among the most cost-effective health interventions.  In addition to the direct protection provided to vaccinated individuals, high levels of vaccina...

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Legionellosis, a disease caused by the Legionella bacterium, has been an underestimated disease in this period monopolised by Covid 19.

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Cleaning, disinfecting and sanitising: what are the differences?

Let's take a look at some definitions and analyse them more in detail: CLEANING is the set of operations necessary to remove “visible dirt” from surfaces, objects and environments: sweeping, dusting, degreasing, washing.  Cleaning ...

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The working man

The beginning of human work can be traced back to the prehistoric era, when man acquired and manifested astonishing technical skills that were far greater than those of all the other animals living on our planet.  At the same time, these sk...

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Europe and Hepatitis B and C infections

Hepatitis B and C are a public health threat in the EU, with an estimated 4. 7 million people living with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and 3. 9 million living with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in the EU/EEA countries...

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The ability to listen, the secret of Pre-Travel Counselling

At a time when everyone can say “I looked it up on the Internet”, it is important to reiterate that it is imperative to seek expert advice before travelling outside Italy, especially for tropical destinations.  Everyone has probably hea...

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