Vaccinations and prophylaxis

Ambimed is committed to supporting the employer in defining and planning all the procedures necessary to ensure the health and safety of traveling personnel.

To facilitate the implementation of health protocols, a package of prevention services has been bundled and created, starting from a careful analysis of the risk scenarios during the trip, allowing the employee to depart with the best possible health prevention:

  • Mandatory and recommended vaccinations:through the territorial network of our Travel Clinics, your employees will have access to all vaccinations necessary for travel, according to the specific requirements of the destination and the risk assessment described in the Medical Travel Policy; the latter is one of the many Business Travel Medicine services with which Ambimed supports companies in drafting the foreign health protocol to fulfill the obligations to protect the health and safety of employees, even when they are traveling for work.
  • Malaria prophylaxis: malaria prophylaxis is only necessary following an assessment of the malaria risk in the country of destination, such as in many African countries for example. Ambimed's specialist doctors will prescribe the drugs useful for preventing malaria infection and the employee will be promptly informed on the dosage and effects of the prescribed drugs.

> discover all the services Fit2travel

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