Occupational medicine

Occupational Medicine is the specialisation of medical science that deals with preventing, diagnosing and treating occupational diseases, , safeguarding the health of workers in the workplace..

Ambimed deals with all services related to Occupational Medicine such as:

  • preventive, periodic and extraordinary health surveillance of workers;
  • analysis of workplaces to evaluate their safety;
  • general and specific employee training.

In Italy, everything is governed by Legislative Decree 81/08, also called "Consolidated Law on Occupational Health and Safety": every company in any product sector with at least one employee, after carrying out the Risk Assessment, must activate the Health Surveillance managed by an Occupational health physician..

Why is Occupational Medicine important in your company?

The starting point is the legal obligation to subject the workers of your facility to Health Surveillance, as prescribed by Legislative Decree 81/08, but it is essential for employers to understand that if this medical activity is followed with the correct preventive periodicity, the risk levels decrease to the point of anticipating the onset of occupational diseases..

Occupational diseases lead to a series of problems for the company, which must compensate for them with an increase in costs:

  • the absence of personnel from the workplace due to occupational disease, with a consequent reduction in company productivity;
  • the need to undergo new assessments to monitor the employee's health problems;
  • new costs for the selection of new staff to be hired as a replacement;
  • the increase in costs for the training of new personnel.

Therefore, Health Surveillance should not be seen as a legal obligation but as an opportunity to protect the health of the company's resources, to improve production efficiency from a preventive and therefore future perspective..

As indicated by art. 39 of Legislative Decree. 81/08, the company has three options for the recruitment and insertion of an Occupational health physician:

  1. to sign a contract with a private occupational medicine company or have an agreement with a local public medical centre;
  2. to pay an Occupational health physician who provides services as a "freelancer";
  3. to hire an Occupational health physician as an employee.

Since every possible choice has a series of pros and cons that the Employer must carefully evaluate, our advice is to rely on Ambimed for the following reasons::

  • COMPETENCE: we are specialised in the areas in which we operate;
  • AUTHORITY: we are informed and updated and, thanks to our team of doctors, we guarantee a quality service;
  • LIGHTNESS: we are agile in processes, focusing on the potential of digital;
  • RELIABILITY: we provide clear answers by making all our know-how available to our customers;
  • DYNAMISM: we are quick to give answers and we always aim to improve;
  • COMPLETENESS: thanks to the expertise in aspects related to Business Travel Medicine and partnerships with companies specialised in Security, we provide a total service.

Ambimed is the only partner, present throughout Italy, that can offer all the services related to Occupational Medicine.

Our services for occupational medicine

health surveillance
Hive - Our occupational medicine software
Training and Safety
Prevention campaigns
We offer targeted solutions for employee prevention and company safety.
Your safety and health are at the heart of our commitment.
Do you have any doubts? Call your dedicated assistant.
02 87399117
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