HIVE - Our occupational medicine software

To be close to the needs of its client companies and be in step with the needs of the market, Ambimed has decided to create HIVE, a new Occupational Medicine Software, to digitise all the processes of Health Surveillance and the related obligations provided for by the Legislative Decree no. 81/08.

The programme is designed to be a bridge between the needs of OH physicians, the company figures in charge of Prevention and Safety activities and the employees.

The platform is web based and does not require any installation or purchase of hardware. Access is secure, guaranteed by certified security protocols and all storage servers are based on European territory.

Why choose Ambimed HIVE?

  • no installation, no hardware purchase needed
  • the digital archive is always available
  • simplification of planning, management and control processes
    • a simple and intuitive programme that saves you time
  • all documentation is digitalised
    • fully paperless
  • an area dedicated to the company
    • complete monitoring of deadlines and schedules
  • reporting and generation of statistics
    • always keep costs and your activities under control

Try it for free

Modulo calendario
Anagrafica azienda
Modulo visita medica
Modulo idonietà lavorativa

Digital health record

The simplified management of the clinical visit helps the OH physician by minimising the time required to compile patient data, especially during the periodical medical appointments. Registry checks are quicker and the doctor can focus more on your employees and their needs.

Scheduling of visits and monitoring of deadlines

The computerised management of deadlines and precise planning guarantee the correct support to the activity between the Ambimed Back Office and the client company: both parties have a complete and rapid overview.

Certified digital signature

Thanks to the support of our partner Yousign, all the signatures of the Doctor, the Employer, the Supervisors and the employees are simple, fast and safe. We have relied on the best to give you a service of the highest level, all in compliance with EU eIDAS and GDPR regulations.

Reserved area for the employee

Your employees will have dedicated access to easily view their health records.

Warning and alert system

The software integrates a system of warnings and alerts, with various levels of priority, which allow all actors to receive notifications for the activities assigned to them, including scheduled medical appointments for employees.
The priority levels make it possible to intervene promptly to resolve any problems and tasks by sending notices to the direct recipients.

Reporting, surveys, annex 3B and suitability

The generation of the statics is simple and available to the company, all the reports are designed to have control over the activity carried out and the projections on future deadlines. The reports of the inspections, the 3B attachments and the suitability will be easily recoverable with a few steps without the need to print unnecessary quantities of paper.

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