Russia Bandiera della Russia

Cartina geografica della Russia

 General informations

Country Name

Russian Federation



Surface area

17,075,400 km²









Time zone

+3hrs in relation to Italy

Area code for Italy


Area code from Italy

007 (495 or 499 for Moscow)


Yellow fever

Yellow fever vaccination is mandatory for all travelers over 1 year old from at-risk countries or who have transited for more than 12 hours at airports in at-risk countries.

Tick-borne encephalitis

A disease of viral origin, it is transmitted by the bite of infected ticks. Vaccination is recommended for prolonged stays in the eastern regions of the country or for any activities in forested areas. The risk is greatest in temperate climate regions, particularly around the Ural Mountains, Perm and Sverdlovsk districts, the Okhotsk, Sikhote-Alin Mountains, Lake Baikal, and Crimea regions.

Japanese encephalitis

A disease of viral origin, it is transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes. Vaccination is recommended for prolonged stays in rural regions, particularly between May and October.

Hepatitis A and B

Hepatitis A is generally transmitted through contaminated food and water, or through close physical contact with an infected person, while hepatitis B is transmitted through exposure to infected body fluids and blood.


Tuberculosis is an airborne disease of bacterial origin. Vaccination is recommended for all travelers at risk of developing severe symptoms or of coming into contact with infected individuals. It is likewise recommended for all travelers under the age of 16 who plan to reside in the country for more than 3 months

Insect sting diseases

Diseases such as Leishmaniasis and Japanese River Typhus are found in Southeast Asia. Transmitted by insect bites and with no vaccine, it is important to take preventive measures with behavioural prophylaxes.

The following vaccinations are strongly recommended as these diseases can be contracted anywhere in the world. Experts advise that you protect yourself and other travellers by making sure you are up-to-date with all of the recommended vaccinations. This will allow you to travel safely, while minimising the risk of exposure to infection.

 Territory and climate

Russia is the largest state in the world, covering an area from Eastern Europe to the Far East. It is bounded to the north by the Arctic Ocean; to the east by the Pacific Ocean; to the south, for a very short distance, by North Korea, and onward by China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia; to the southwest by Ukraine; and to the west by Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, and Norway. It is also bounded by the Caspian Sea, Black Sea and Baltic Sea.

Mainly flat (two-thirds are less than 300 meters above sea level), the territory is conventionally divided into two parts: west of the Ural Mountains is European Russia, east of it is Asian Russia.

The European part is occupied by the Russian Lowlands, which has elevations to the south, the Caucasus range (where the highest peak reaches 5,600 m), to the west toward the Norwegian border and to the east (the Ural Mountains).

The vast eastern Russia has numerous rivers that flow into the Arctic Ocean. All these waterways freeze every year, and the thaw occurs first in the southern part, when the northern part is still frozen. This results in the formation of huge marshes throughout the northern side of the country, which thus makes it unsuitable for human activities. There are also elevations here at the Mongolian and Kazakh border, then also in the central northern area. Finally there some islands facing the northern coast, with very few human settlements, if not entirely uninhabited.

The Russian climate is decidedly continental: in fact, the seas that surround it, either because of their pronounced latitude or because they are closed, have no particular influence on the climate, other than a slight effect, close to the coastline. The major elevations toward the south act as a barrier to southerly winds, leaving room for cold air currents from the north. The annual temperature range is extreme; winter monthly averages everywhere fall below freezing, dropping further moving eastward (lowest peak recorded in the city of Verhojansk at -48°C in January); in summer it ranges from 20°C on the Black Sea coast to 5°C on the Arctic coast.

Rainfall is generally limited; the European and far eastern slopes, influenced by the Atlantic and Pacific, are more favoured.

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