
Index of articles tagged: JobSafety

Training and safety
04/03/2023Structural pages

Monitoring the health of employees and ensuring compliance with internal safety regulations are the main actions that the employer must undertake.  Through the experience of our professionals, we support the company in safety and health m...

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Who we are
19/07/2022Structural pages

We focus on the customer's health, with commitment and passion.  This is our mission. Competence, dynamism, reliability.  These are our values.  We operate in the fields of prevention, protection and safety alongside individuals and comp...

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Cleaning, disinfecting and sanitising: what are the differences?

Let's take a look at some definitions and analyse them more in detail: CLEANING is the set of operations necessary to remove “visible dirt” from surfaces, objects and environments: sweeping, dusting, degreasing, washing.  Cleaning ...

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