
Index of articles tagged: Asia

KOREAN PENINSULA: Tensions rising after satellite launch

Cross-border tensions are ratcheting up after North Korea claimed it had successfully launched a military spy satellite into orbit.  On Monday, 21 November, the North Korean state news agency KCNA announced the launch, adding that this w...

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The failure of Ukraine’s counteroffensive: consequences

Military developments: the likely failure of the counteroffensive In the early days of June 2023, following much anticipation, Ukraine started its counteroffensive against Russian forces in the south of the country.  Its main thrusts ...

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Israel: situation update

The confrontation between Israel and Hamas continues, while the situation is becoming increasingly tense along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon where exchanges of fire have become more frequent during the weekend.  The UN forces i...

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Israel: update about the war against Hamas
25/10/2023Health alerts

Developments in and around Israel continue broadly on trend, as Israel on one side and Hamas and Hezbollah on the other, continue to exchange fire as Gaza prepares for the Israeli land offensive.  Over the past two days, Israel said that...

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Israel continues preparations for the Gaza invasion
18/10/2023Health alerts

Increasing numbers of Israeli citizens are being evacuated from both Southern and Northern territories.  According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), 500 thousand people are internally displaced within Israel.   The IDF has also repor...

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Israel: Update on the war with Hamas
11/10/2023Health alerts

The Israel Defense Forces unleashed devastating airstrikes on the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, flattening entire neighborhoods, and reducing streets and buildings to rubble, as further details emerge about the extent of the atrocities carried out ...

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The government of Israel has declared a state of war in the country

The morning of Saturday 7 October 2023, Palestinian organisations Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) from the Gaza Strip, both designated internationally as terrorist groups, attacked Israeli territory with thousands of missile...

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Crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh: pro-Armenian authorities surrender

On Wednesday, September 20, pro-Armenian authorities in the breakaway province of Nagorno-Karabakh agreed to lay down their arms, relinquish power and allow Azerbaijan to take control of the territory.  This "capitulation" came after hea...

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Al-Qaeda increases global terrorist threat in Afghanistan

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) released its annual report on 1 June, warning Al-Qaeda (AQ), Tehrik-i-Pakistan (TTP), and Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) continue to thrive in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.  The re...

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