Canada Bandiera della Canada

Cartina geografica della Canada

 General informations

Country Name



North America

Surface area

9,970,610 km²




35,158,320 (2013)


English and French


Canadian dollar

Time zone

-6hrs in relation to Italy

Area code for Italy


Area code from Italy



Yellow fever

No vaccination is required.


Infection typically occurs through contact with the saliva of an infected animal, usually by bites, scratches or licks near open wounds or membranes (mouth, nose, eyes). The most common vectors are dogs and bats, but cases of infection in other domestic animals have also been reported.


Caused by toxins released by the bacterium Clostridium tetani, the risk of contracting tetanus is endemic throughout the country.

There have been no relevant reports.

The following vaccinations are strongly recommended as these diseases can be contracted anywhere in the world. Experts advise that you protect yourself and other travellers by making sure you are up-to-date with all of the recommended vaccinations. This will allow you to travel safely, while minimising the risk of exposure to infection.

 Territory and climate

Canada is the second largest state in the world, occupying the northern part of the American continent and including numerous islands and archipelagos located in the Arctic Ocean. Its territory lies between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and its land borders only touch the United States.

The morphology of the country is heterogeneous with the presence of elevations, flat stretches, and depressions occupied by lakes.

The west is lapped by the sea for a relatively short distance, behind the coast is the Coast Range that reaches peaks approaching 4,000 m and thins eastward to an inland plateau that soon elevates up to the northern part of the Rocky Mountains.

On the opposite, eastern side, the last offshoot of the Appalachian Mountains unfolds to the southeast. The elevations here are modest: the low altitude and milder climate have facilitated more human settlement. The central area all around Hudson Bay is mostly flat, traversed by rivers with numerous lakes of varying sizes.

The climate is mainly cold, continental with little rainfall. The northern interior belt near Alaska has a polar climate that does not exceed 10°C in summer but has lush flora during the summer thaw. Rainfall is variable depending on the region, with the rainiest being the coastal stretch lapped by the Pacific.

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