* The price shown does not include the administrative expenses of the medical facility

A recurring companion during the winter, influenza can lead to serious complications in the elderly and vulnerable, but it is easily preventable with a simple injection.

Cos'è il papilloma-virus

What is

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Come si trasmette l'infezione

Why prevention
is important

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A chi è consigliato il vaccino

When to

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Quando è preferibile vaccinarsi


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It is administered intramuscularly.

The most common side effects (with incidence between 1 and 10%) are pain and redness in the site of injection, malaise, fever and muscle pain.

In some cases, symptoms such as decreased blood platelet count (thrombocytopenia), neuralgia, paresthesias and allergic reactions have occurred in conjunction with the vaccine. However, it should be remembered that a link between the vaccine and these events has not yet been identified.

Vaccination must be postponed in individuals with a high fever. It is to be avoided if severe allergic reactions to the vaccine or any of its components have occurred in the past.

If pregnant or breast-feeding, it is important to speak to a medical specialist to assess if vaccination should be postponed.

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You can always count on the experience and expertise of the Ambimed team.
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The information presented is general in nature, is published for informational purposes for a general public and does not replace the relationship between patient and doctor.
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